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Shaw Family | Spring Garden Mini Session | Welles Turns Two | Noblesville Family Photography

toddler boy runs down brick path in formal gardens with mom and dad walking behind him as they celebrate his 2nd birthday

Family Photos: One Of My Favorite Little Buddies Turns Two

Ahhhh - I'm SOOOO behind on blogging this year's session which is TERRIBLE because ugghhh this session was just SOOO good!

Let's remedy it - so back in May the Shaw family met me down in Indy for a formal gardens mini that had killer blooms and even better sunset. I've been lucky enough to know the Shaw family since Stacy & Joe were pregnant, first shooting a maternity session with them almost two years ago!

And even more exciting, this mini session lined up right on par with Welles' 2nd birthday celebration so not only did I get to see the little goof ball, we got to celebrate a bit of his TWO-REX birthday together - with matching momma and daddy outfits!

Happy Happy Birthday Wells! I think you're just the absolute tricera-TOPS!

(Dad joke - sorry couldn't pass it up!). lol.

mom and dad cuddle toddler during sunset in formal gardens in indianpolis. Family all wearing dino themed outfits to celebrate the son's 2nd birthday
mother kisses toddler sun, wearing matching green and dino shirts and sundress to celebrate the child's 2nd birthday during a family mini session in indy
mother and sun share a snuggle in formal gardens wearing matching green dino outfits for his dino themed birthday party. Mom holding son standing in formal garden flowers
Little boy, age two standing in formal garden wearing green dino birthday shirt, looking off with bright blue eyes while chewing on figers.

Hey You... Let's Be Friends, K?!

Hey there - I'm Chelsea! A coffee worshipping Hoosier native, just trying to raise a kiddo and capture vivid memories in central IN for my families & brides. To see more of our work, make sure to FOLLOW us on Facebook and Instagram & sign up for our VIP club to get first dibs on open session date! Curious about me? Dive into my story of how I flushed my comfortable Fortune 500 Marketing Career to take on the life of a SMB owner at Hashtag Memories Photography!

Or maybe the idea of photos stresses you out? Check out this blog post where I get REAL about how shooting a session of my own kiddo taught me how to help YOU mitigate Mommy Session Stress - or this one where we share basic planning tips & FAQs to help set you up for success on your next shoot.

Want to chat about your own family session ideas?


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Serving Central Indiana | based in Tipton, Indiana | P: 317.691.1779

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