Check out these #helpful #fashion #tips as you start to plan your family's upcoming #photography session.
10. AVOID: The "Match" Trap: Compliment. Don't Match
You know what makes those photos in editorial magazines (and Joanna Gain's designs) SO beautiful? They use textures, patterns and colors that compliment each other. Not match each other. What does that mean? Use this simple formula to get a similar look:
#Family Pallet: 1 punch of color + 2 or 3 neutrals (shades can vary) = classic success
Neutrals are classically: browns, greys, blacks, blue, tope(s) & metallic gold
Seasonal Punches of Color often make for adorable shoots! (ie. #Mustard w/Navy in Fall) For more ideas on how to compliment check out our Pinterest board. Easy sample below:

Image Source: http://www.napcp.com
9. AVOID: Being Too Trendy
Crazy trends come and go. Remember big hair in the 80s? Or weird bridesmaid's hats in the 70s? Yikes.
We recommend you keep to the #classic looks to avoid those "what was I thinking" moments. Stay away from overly bright, fabric heavy or strong pattern trends. Instead keep your look fresh and styled by using items like scarfs, shoes and necklaces to reflect current tastes. Trust us... it's like your son's Axe body spray... a little goes a long way!
ProTip: Avoid acid stained jeans & "Cosby" patterns like the plague. For some reason these are trying to make a come back. Just don't.
8. AVOID The "White" Out
Gone are the days of generational photos with everyone wearing white pants and coral shirts on the beach - or dark jeans with identical white shirts standing in the woods. Everyone in the family is different. Use color as a uniting force, but let #personality and #personal #style shine through. Don't paint everyone with the same brush.
7. Layer It Up: Clothe, Colors & Texture
#Layering is a GREAT way to add #texture, #pattern, #warmth and #depth to your family's photos. Adding a pull over sweater with elbow patches for John, a fuzzy vest for a Alice and a flowing cardigan for Mom will pull every thing together. Remember our color formula from Rule #10 & use the neutral's various SHADES to add some diversity and style.
But avoid over replicating the same look on more than 1 person for a family of 4 or 5. Mom and daughter should not both be in vests. Dad and son should not both be pull overs. Mix it up. #Pinterest can yield tones of great results. Layers are also great for hiding trouble spots...just don't OVER layer Momma. We still want to be able to see YOU.

Image Source: https://thesouthernstyleguide.com
ProTip: If you wear flowy on top, go dark and fitted on bottom.
6. AVOID: "Over Dressing" - Go for "Dressy Casual" Instead
When it comes to #family #photos your session will likely be a mix of playful tickles and traditional "grandparent" shots. Don't get me wrong, it's totally fine to do more formal photos, but keep your outfits comfortable. No tie for dad.
Instead wear a dress shirt, smart shoes and roll the sleeves for the hubs. Little boys always look dapper in bow ties if it matches their personality and nothing beats a beautiful dress for mom. Just keep it realistic. Be able to move. And think dressy casual.

Image Source: http://www.napcp.com
5. Avoid too many loud patterns or bright colors.
Personally, I recommend you avoid animal patterns and stripes in clothing and keep those touches to accessories or small embellishments when it comes to your #photoshoot.
But if you're comfortable with pattern below is a great example of how to make pattern can work with extra effort BUT notice they are using layers help tame Mom, Dad & Bro's patterns to work with the girl's dress. Also, keep in mind that horizontal stripes tend to add weight to adults where you may not want it to be, so consider your comfort level.
Pattern Beautifully Matched. They Key? Layers Tame Prints.

Image Source: http://www.napcp.com
Pro Tip: Tight plaid print can act as a "neutral" especially when layered. Big check buffalo style plaid is not, but instead would be your "pop" of color/style/trend.
4. Momma Shoes
I know this one is hard and can be so very tempting. But AVOID wearing shoes you cannot comfortably wear (meaning WALK IN) through out your entire session. Want a photo or two in #stilettos. Great, let your photographer know to start with those!
But I promise, you'll be FAR HAPPIER being able to walk, move and play with your kiddos, then gripping on to the hubs' hand for dear life as you try to walk through a field in 3" heels.
You wouldn't wear sandals to a ski lodge. Consider your surroundings. My advice: if you're used to heels, go for it. If not, find cute #flats, #wedges or #KittenHeels as an alternative and save yourself the frustration...and possibly a twisted ankle.
ProTip: Trust me on this ladies. I once wore 3" heels down the {cobblestone} streets of Rome. Not only did my feet hurt, I ruined the shoes and ended up walking barefoot around the city for our shoot.

Image Source: https://www.shefinds.com/
3. Go A Little Darker & Stick To Neutral Tones
Talk to any #makeup #artist about photos and they'll tell you the same thing: apply slightly heavier then typically and stick to tones that compliment your skin and bring out your eyes.
Eyeliner and mascara are typically a must unless you're an "au natural" kind of girl. In photos we use something call "catch lights" to give depth to your family's portraits (think of natural light making the eyes sparkle) so often your eyes highlighted, even more so then your smile. Check out #TheSmallThingsBlog for some great tips on application and looking natural but elevated.
ProTip: Have bags under the eyes? Apply a little Preparation H and watch them disappear.

Image Source: https://www.harrods.com
2. Wear things that FIT.
Simple, yet cannot be over stressed. If you're uncomfortable in something...it will show. Try things on before hand to avoid extra stress that you don't need. Nothing is worse then
getting your gallery only to realize your son's pants were 2" too shorty. Trust me... no one wants that. Including the photographer who you're likely now asking to #photoshop those 2" of length back. {Seriously has happened...funny...but not funny.}
And the best tip of all...
1. Elevate - Don't Reinvent.
A great way to go about your selection process is to elevate your natural style... don't venture so far out of your box that you feel like a cat in the turtleneck. In later years you'll want these photos to showcase everyone's personalities, their style and their connection to the group. Don't try to be someone else.
Real Life. Real Moments. Real Memories. | Lifestyle Photography That Fits The Family Budget. #HashTagMemories is an #Indy based #LifestyleStylePhotographer that specialize in working with families of all ages to capture the real life moments, personalities & relationships that make every family unique, while respecting the family's budget. www.HashTagMemories.com | https://www.facebook.com/HashTagMemoriesPhoto/ #HashTagMemories #IndyFamilyPhotography #IndyLifestylePhotography #HTMQuickShot #IndyPhotographyLocations